Impressions, reflections...preserved.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mindful Writing Day

A distinct but small opening in the thickness of gray ~ the promise of clear blue beyond the storm.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It has been a wonderful experience...

It has been a wonderful experience writing these small stones daily (except for the last few days) throughout this month.  I decided to take part in order to start the year off doing something that I knew would be challenging, different, and rewarding.  It was all of these things.  I would like to continue to some degree.  The last few days, as Fiona had pointed out in a recent e-mail, life got in the way.  And on those days that events and being busy seemed to get in the way, I felt a certain regret.  A regret that I could not remember what I had noticed, if indeed I had noticed anything around me.  Fiona's message really made me feel better about all that.  I think that I will take a little break and then perhaps start up again.  Many thanks to Fiona and Kaspa for setting this all up, and to my friend Amy for getting me into the blogroll!  The guest contributors on Writing Our Way Home were fantastic, and really quite helpful.  It was also lovely to get some comments from other river-folk ;-), and to read so many amazing small stones.  Thanks everyone!  Thanks so much.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The baby, bundled up and ready...

The baby, bundled up and ready to be taken out into the cold, peeked out from behind her bee blanket, pacifier in mouth.  Her eyes smiled and she listened intently as I sang the song "Sycamore."  She liked it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tomorrow evening, I have an engagement...

Tomorrow evening, I have an engagement with one of my favorite people.  We will do things like get on the computer and watch old Batman and Spiderman cartoons, make up games to play, and read books together.  It's a play date for me and my young old friend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The young woman, called upon to...

The young woman, called upon to read aloud, looked alarmed as she made her way to the dais.  She then spoke in a quiet, even tone ~ her face expressionless until she came to the end of the passage.  Smiling with relief, she returned to her seat.

[This photo is the accompaniment to yesterday's stone for the river]

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

As the sun set tonight...

As the sun set tonight, the sky was something to behold.  It wasn't just the pink and violet combination of colors, nor the formation of the clouds.  It was all of it together...astonishingly beautiful, rare, and gone in a few minutes as the pinks and violets darkened to varying shades of blue-grey.

Monday, January 23, 2012

There are times when doing nothing...

There are times when doing nothing is the most constructive and productive action one can take.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A smooth and shiny coating of ice...

A smooth and shiny coating of ice adorned the side of the red brick building, showing the path that meltage had taken.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First snow of the year last night...

First snow of the year last night:  layers of granular flakes, covered this morning with freezing and regular rain.  The eventual slushy mess arrived early and refroze before nightfall.

Friday, January 20, 2012

There is snow in the forecast...

There is snow in the forecast for tomorrow, and we don't know how much.  But it doesn't matter because, regardless, it will be a Saturday.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My friend wrote to me and she...

My friend wrote to me and her subject line read:  "toasty fire".  This was not, however, the topic of her e-mail, but rather the place in front of which she was able to finally sit down for a little while and catch up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

While their little arms surrounded her...

While their little arms surrounded her, she enfolded the two young sisters in a loving embrace.  Sweet daughters.  They all looked to the camera.  She ~ her eyes filled deep with warmth ~ and the children, with a certain delight.  Happiness.  He snapped the photo of his Three Lovely Ladies.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why have I been chosen...

Why have I been chosen to be the recipient of another box of candy?  Candy ~ so attractively packaged that to disturb it's dressing would be wrong.  Though, here it is.  And here I am.  Did I send out the message to "The Universe" that I need more candy?  Do I look like I need more candy?  The answer, to my knowledge, is "no".  The present "gift" is addictive.  Buttery toffee.  Frankly, the sweet creaminess would have been enough, but the added hint of salt and the generous garnish of chopped peanuts is really quite superfluous.  It's a shame to waste them.

Monday, January 16, 2012

There were horses out today...

There were horses out today in the cold countryside ~ some with blankets.  For such weather, they were surprisingly still...almost like statues!  I wondered if they should be left out in these freezing temperatures...perhaps they were just getting some fresh air?  I gazed across the expanse of fields.  There were a few scattered houses, farms.  There were rows of trees beyond the fields, far away.  The tips of the brown branches, reaching upwards, looked fine against the blue sky ~ and all together they looked a bit like the bristles of a giant brush.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A great waft of steam...

A great waft of steam arose from the freshly poured cup of tea.  My afternoon delight.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hearing from an old friend...

Hearing from an old friend, non-electronically, provided an excitement quite uncommon in this hectic life.

Friday, January 13, 2012

As I awakened gently...

As I awakened gently from my night's sleep, I listened to the howling wind.  I imagined a storm of swirling snow outside.  But when I looked out the window, all was sunny and dry...and just plain windy without snow.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Two halos of light...

Two halos of light emerge from within the misty fog ~ the car's headlights illumine the thick air.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The meditative breath is...

The meditative breath is shallow at first, barely able to push through the mind's clutter.  With time, the breath deepens.  Clutter clears, and peacefulness fills the space.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

a river of stones -- January 10, 2012

Broken-bottle glass glittered on the cracked dark surface of the old parking lot this evening.  Like diamonds.

Monday, January 9, 2012

a river of stones -- January 9, 2012

"Will someone be joining you?" the server asks.  "Not today," I reply, as I sit down to my solitude.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

a river of stones -- January 8, 2012

It seemed that everywhere I looked today, there were babies.  Adorable, sweet, precious varying states of wakefulness and humor.  They looked about, taking in their surroundings with curiosity, wonder, and sometimes...disbelief.  One in particular was quite engaging:  she tugged at my bracelet, bounced on my lap while I hummed In the Mood.  She spoke to me in her language, and I replied.  She was very generous with her time.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

a river of stones -- January 6, 2012

There's nothing like "decompressing" after a long day.  On the drive home, I sing along to my favorite CD.  The day falls away ~ and I am rejuvenated.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

a river of stones -- January 5, 2012

Walking into the bistro from the shivering cold was like entering a haven of comfort, safety and above all:  warmth.  I settled into the atmosphere's glowing embrace.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a river of stones -- January 4, 2012

Stopped at a red light, I gazed at the school football field near the intersection.  Framed exactly between the goalposts, and behind a veil of leafless trees, peeked the old city's skyline ~ majestic against a canvas of pale blue.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a river of stones -- January 3, 2012

The clementine's peel
unfurls like a blossom  ~
The fruit within is a little orange gift.

Monday, January 2, 2012

a river of stones -- January 2, 2012

A dog stands barking nearby
three men smoking their pipes 
billy goats munching grass
green is the scene
in the center of all which
a man and his lady dance ~ 
Such is the nature of toile.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

a river of stones -- January 1, 2012

Ruby-red jewels 
contained within faceted glass.
Polishing off the last of the cranberry sauce ~
The holiday season has come to an end.